Wednesday, 9 September 2009

11 Months and Counting Down..

Does this little person look ready for school??

Today I had my first Parent-Teacher catch up at Mini D's Pre-School. She has attended other nurseries full time since 5 1/2 months old, as I went back to that job after maternity leave, but THIS is Pre-School...the clue's in the name. Pre. School. It scares me.
Her amazing teacher, Mrs B was really full of the praises for Mini D (if she was seeing her during the times I sneakily dare turn the telly onto something other than Disney Channel, not so sure she'd be sayin' all that..the words 'banshee' and 'screaming' come to mind!!)
BUT Mrs B assured me delightedly that even though D is a January birthday (like mamma), she will be More Than Ready For School in 2010. More Than.
Looked at school calendar...August 18th is the start of the next school year. We have 11 months until uniforms and homework and structured timetables and...big girls. (Please God, no High School Musical or Hannah Montana rubbish...pleeeeaaaase!!)
As you saw in my last post, Erika is having her baby. Maybe that's what I need to get over the trauma. What time does Mr D come home...?

1 comment:

Liz said...

Little did I know, 4 months later...a baby due just after Mini D starts school...hmmmmmmm!!!